My Birth Story - part 2, the birth

All through my pregnancy I’d being doing all the right things to make my birth experience quick and easy. I’d been exercising regularly, going for long walks, bouncing on the damned exercise ball till I thought it might burst, I’d taken long baths, all my vitamins, and had even tried massaging my perineum in the last few weeks. On the 21st December 2009, a Monday, I started having contractions and by the evening I thought that they were close enough together to warrant a trip to the hospital. I was scared but excited too, and to be honest, at that stage the pain was manageable, it came and it went again, and I could just about handle it. My parents took me to hospital that time – I cant remember why the ex didn't – but there was no room at the inn, and by the time a midwife became available, the contractions were a bit more spaced out. My cervix had thinned, the baby was definitely coming, but I was only 1cm dilated so was sent home and told to take paracetamol for the pain. O...