Letter to Twitter
Dear Twitter friends Thank you for all your support today, and generally in my life. I thought that maybe I’d fill you in on some of the background that led to my sitting in that windowless room today as my solicitor scuttled in and out with various snippets of news that could affect the life of my son and I forever. It was the tail end of a long long drama that was my relationship with Cubs father, D, details of which I may or may not blog about in the future. I am going to attempt a condensed version of the past two years. Early 2009, we had been sleeping in different bedrooms for quite some time. Our relationship was not even as good as housemates really, I had tired of his ways and we led separate existences, getting together only to argue about some point or other, usually me, probably, chasing him to pull his weight around the house or contribute towards the bills. On the night before his birthday that year, I got a nasty case of sickness and diarrhoea, I won’t go into ...
Oh bless them!Lovely shot!