Letter to son - January

Well, hello my lovely, you are two now, and don't we all just know it!! You are such a whirlwind of fun, your brave rough and tumble play has everybody gasping as you fall and roll like a professional stuntman and get up again giggling your head off and smiling from ear to ear. You were the life and the soul of the swimming pool today, with your armbands and shark fin on, circling people and splashing and being your typical smiling and laughing self. You really do spread joy wherever you go. I've decided to quit the swimming lessons though because you have decided that you don’t like swimming in lines up and down and listening to some stranger telling you what to do. I can't imagine where you get this free-spiritedness from (looks in mirror, nods and winks). Every day with you is a blessing, when you look at me in the morning and say 'morning' and say 'thank you for yummy mummy milk', it's a good start to the day, even if I have been woken numerous times in the night.

Your first words, as well as those I mentioned in July were: paper, hot, dirty, teeth, knee, moon, stars, uh-oh, oops, yay, yeah, cheese, tea, horses, easy, fish, shadow, bus, hiya, up, cheers, stuck, there, bye, blackberry, backpack, yes, no, tractor (tractor was one of the very first), down, wee wee, bye bye, bleugh'. I stopped writing them down after that because since the autumn you have been coming out with more and more words every week. It is lovely to now that you understand me now and we can have little mini conversations – you can make choices and give me basic feedback, express if you are hot or cold or hungry, tired or thirsty, which is a massive help for me. When you stated to count, you said 'two, two, two, two'. It was very funny. But now you can count to ten, but you always miss off number one, probably because you're used to hearing someone start the sequence for you. You recognise the numbers too, but get 6 and 9 mixed up and 2 and 5 and the letter z, easy mistakes for a two year old. Your voice is like angels singing in my ears, I could listen to you all day (and do, because you are so talkative).

In the summer when the harvest was on, you became tractor mad, and you still enjoy tractor spotting and last week you even sat in one, when your Grandad was minding you. One weekend we went on one of our usual walks that takes us near the train station and it was Thomas day. Well, ever since then you have been train and thomas mad. You make long trains out of your cars that snake all across the living room. You even make trains out of your shoes and socks and your soft toys. I bought you some thomas characters for Christmas and a wooden train set and you adore them. You know all the characters because you watch thomas dvds and I record it off the telly for you to watch while do the washing up in the evenings. You can name them all, know their colours and can tell me which train is which number. You are quite incredible. For ages you called them all by name but still called thomas 'toot-toot' but this week you are more regularly calling him by his proper name. You recite the opening sequence to the episodes in increasing clarity and sing to the closing tune. You. Are. Amazing.

You are a ball of non stop energy and certainly keep me on my toes. I love you more every day, and when you come over and hug me or kiss me unexpectedly it is the best thing ever. You are definitely the highlight of my life, being your Mummy is jut the best thing ever and we are just having so much fun. I look back at pictures of you as a baby and you have always had a certain twinkle to your eye but you have changed so much physically in the last two years. Your chubbiness has gone now and your active body has more of a shape to it, with the muscles in your arms and legs getting stronger all the time. Your face is adorable, and everyone tells me how beautiful you are but know this already – your dimples melt peoples hearts, but especially mine. Your eyes just make my tum go all squishy, they are so clear and dark and full of wisdom. You are 100% little boy, with your boyish ways, you even have a swagger, a strut, and mannerisms unique to you, in the way you move and the way you talk.

But you are also gentle, and give me a hug if I look sad (eg 'mummy's sad because you just chucked your toys everywhere'. Your response * hug * (you are impossible to tell off)). You kiss me if I hurt myself and are very sensitive to other peoples sadness too. At the end of the summer last year we were at the park and a boy was crying because he had hurt his eye. You went over to him and put your hand on his knee and looked into his eyes with concern. Then you wandered off , so I followed and watched you pick up a bunch of sticks, nothing unusual for you but then you took the sticks and gave them to the boy as a gift to cheer him up. You are so kind I call you doctor malachi. I’ve recently had one of my nasty allergies and you are so good, kissing my poorly face so gently that I want to cry with gratitude.

I must write to you more regularly and keep notes of what I was going to say because every day I draft a letter in my head but then by nightfall I’m so tired I forget and put it off for another day. There you go poppett, my new years resolution to you is to write more often. After all, I don’t want to forget anything about you now do I, this being the most best-est time of my life ever, and all that, do I?

Sweet dreams my angel, I love you so much there will never be enough words to say how much.



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