Letter to Thomas Fan, Mid November 2013

Dearest Son of mine,

Wowee you are growing at a rate of I-don't-know-whats at the moment, physically and mentally.  One moment I forget you are only three and a half because you are amazing me with witty conversation and worldly knowledge, and then the next moment I am reminded of your age when you crumple into an emotional heap of tears because I have told you that you can't eat fish and chips for breakfast and sweets for tea.

I love it when I hear "I love you Mummy" and, "I am so happy, I just can't stop being happy", and words of wisdom such as "I know Mummy, what we need is a giraffe!".  I like less when I hear "I am going to put you in the bin".

You think you can fix anything "I'm an engineer", and if you can't fix it, I will be able to fix it, and if I can't fix it, Grandad will, in his amazing workshop with all the tools.  I love that workshop too, you can definitely fix most things there. You and your Grandad are still best mates, he would do anything for you, you lucky little fella, winner of hearts and minds.

I love that you are so headstrong but I do find it hard sometimes because I am much more laid back and your assertiveness alarms me and I find it hard to lay down the law.

And will you eat your dinner? Will you 'eck! I worry so much that you don't seem to eat enough, but you seem to still be growing, and have PLENTY of energy, from the moment you awaken to the moment you fall asleep in my arms at the end of the day. All through your waking hours you invent new games and fun things to do, and they mostly revolve around trains.  You're never bored, at least not when I let you free, you do think that eating and drinking and getting dressed is "boring".  You sit at the table and I can see you are itching to get away and your eyes are constantly scanning for something to play with or explore.

I hope I look back on this and laugh, when you are a big tall teenager who won't STOP eating!

You've decided you don't like nursery because it's too loud and you don't get hugs and kisses, but I make you go anyway because we both have to get used to being away from each other for next year when you start school.  I'd keep you at home but I am not allowed. I’m dreading it already, so we shall just have to use this next year to make the most of our freedom before it is taken away from us.

You had your first parents evening recently and they told me that you sing all day long there, just like you do at home. At "special time" you sing and when Miss Carthy tells you to stop, you hum quietly and pretend like she doesn’t know it's you making the noise.

You are so funny. Funny and fun.  Brave and strong. Kind and gentle. Clever and inquisitive.  My. Favourite. Person. You're not supposed to be best friends with your child but time spent with you, you me and Shadow, is the best way to spend time that I have found yet, in my life.

Big loves xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Your (great, you tell me) Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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